Blog Hill

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Labri Is


Writing Da-Da-ist poetry

Drawing cartoons of everyone

Having my "Ossie" accent immitated (it also seems a constant source of amusement.

And whenever I say anything slightly unprudish this causes hilarity)

Leaping squeaking chimpmunks

Doing counter cultral things like riding a bike to the library and eating home cooked meals.

Getting annoyed with other people's habits.

Reading Os Guiness and Tolstoy

Discussing the morality of creating sin describing-art.

Hershey's chocolate syrup in 2% milk.


Autumn colours

Stone walls

New England houses

Apples, raspberries and peaches

Doing laundry and cleaning the downstairs bathroom

Cabin fever

Watching seasons 2 and 3 of Arrested Development

Peanut and "jelly" sandwiches

Missy from Wisconsin. A crazy girl with anger issues who is at the same time hilarious.

The cutest, liveliest little 1 year old, Azzariah.

Learning to gush like an American.

Conservative clothes and subdued colours (as well as the primary coloured hoodies with States/colleges printed on them)

Kale in beer with bacon

No meal is repeated twice. Cf Christian conferences at Camp Clayton.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

All is Well

Firstly an apology for not keeping in contact by any of the means you may have expected communication; email, postcards, letters, phonecalls, telegrams, carrier pidgeons. I don't have enough time to send all the emails I'd like to send, and I don't have enough money to send all the postcards I'd like to send. And I don't have a whole lot of emotional and psychological energy for blogging. So this post wont be exhaustive.

But enough excuses.

People say that when you get married, you realise how selfish you really are. Same goes for community living, especially with new people with whom you are trying to assert your identity with. Thankfully, I've got past that stage and I'm forming some real relationships with people:

There's Sonja, a valleygirl from California who pretends to be ditzy but is actually more intelligent than she wants to be given credit for. She's obsessed with Australia and wanted to swap my crappy carry-on with her expensive backpack because Dad painted a kangaroo on it. She's only 18, and agreeing to the trade would be to take advantage of her.

Seth will be pleased to know that there's another Seth here (from Texas). He's really cool too. He's got a great sense of humour - not witty - but he's the sort of person who is just funny in his delivery and general approach to life, kind of self-effacing. He's a bit chubby and scruffy, with a black beard and a beanie, and so when he sits under the tree and reads, he looks like a gnome.

There's Casey from Alaaaabaaaama, who looks like Sly Stallone. He's great too. He's one of the main immitators of my accent, which every one does very badly. England and Australia are two different places!

Chad stayed for a couple of weeks. He's not a Christian but he grew up in a Dutch Reformed home in New Jersey. He's incredibly intelligent and witty, and please pray with me that God will soften his heart.

There's more people I could blog about, but I have to ride back to L'abri soon. Don't get me wrong, I do like to keep in contact with people, I'm just very bad at it, and easily overwealmed by all that is happening at this end.