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Friday, March 09, 2007

Fathers, Babies and Irresponsibility

You'd probably agree that one of the core social problems of this generation is fatherlessness. Sociopathic and promiscuous behaviour may have their origins in fatherlessness. It causes people to have confused identities and to commit violent crime because they grew up with no male role model, and without the support that only a father can provide. It may turn out that other socio-psychological problems like ennui and depression have their origins and absent or effectively absent fathers.

No child is knitted together in his mother's womb without the prelude of a father. So fatherlessness is a peculiar phenomena. Every child has a father (unless of course he has died), but the man who has conceived the child has disowned responsibility*. Not to sound like a crazy feminazi, but responsibility avoidance is something men do a lot. I'm not the only one saying it. Psychologists will tell you that typically, women blame themselves, men blame other people. Or women. Or that woman. It was that woman you put here with me. She gave me the fruit. Nevermind that I could have told her that the fruit is forbidden. Nevermind that I could have taken responsibility and stopped her from taking the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.

Does this mean that men are forever doomed to avoid responsibility, to blame the woman for the existence of their offspring and run away, like a boy from his prank gone wrong, leaving the woman with the evidence? I don't think so.

Through history, by the grace of God, many men have been redeemed. I know of many proud fathers, who care deeply for their children, who love their children (and their wives!). My own father has carried the burden of our family's welfare and gives generously to his children, financially and relationally.

There's plenty of biblical examples of good fathers, from Joseph who did not leave the woman who was carrying a child that was not his, but instead trusted God. And we have a heavenly father who will never forsake or abandon us, if we continue in him.

Further, Jesus, the ultimate redeemed man, reversed the curse of irresponsibility and took the weight of the world's sin and suffered even though he was without blame!

So there is hope!


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